Wellness Exams for Dogs and Cats in Ukiah, CA
At Mendocino Animal Hospital in Ukiah, CA, we’re dedicated to providing the services needed to strengthen your bond with your pet. Wellness exams for dogs and cats are an essential part of that. Annual or semiannual visits with your veterinarian help us keep up with the changing needs of your pet, so we can give them the most effective care year after year.
Annual exams give your pet the best chance at a long and happy life.
Why is Preventative Care So Important for My Dog and Cat?
It can be easy to put off going to the vet because your pet seems completely healthy and normal. However, pets can’t tell us how they’re feeling, and while they may seem perfectly healthy on the outside, there could be an underlying illness brewing. Here are some reasons why pet wellness care is so important for your pet:
Prevention and early detection are the two most important parts of pet wellness care, but it is only effective if you bring your pet in! Call us today at (707) 462-8833 to make an appointment or do so online!