7 Tips for Helping Your Dog with Their Allergies

Allergies can be as uncomfortable for our dogs as they are for us. Watching your dog scratch, sneeze, or deal with other allergy symptoms can make any pet owner feel helpless. You will find helpful tips on this page on how to support your dog with allergies and when it’s the right time to seek professional help from veterinarians like those at Mendocino Animal Hospital in Ukiah, CA. If your dog’s allergies are causing concern, we’re here to assist. You can reach us at (707) 462-8833 to schedule an appointment or to get more information on managing your dog’s allergies. Let’s explore some practical ways to help your dog feel better.

dog scratching

Identifying Allergies in Dogs

Allergies in dogs can show up in many ways. Common signs include scratching more than usual, red or irritated skin, sneezing, runny eyes, or even ear infections. Sometimes, dogs might lick or chew their paws a lot or have stomach issues like vomiting or diarrhea. If you see these signs, it’s a clue that your dog might be dealing with allergies.

Common Allergens

Dogs can be allergic to a wide range of things. Some common allergens include pollen from trees, grass, and weeds, dust mites, molds, and even fleas. Foods can also be a problem for some dogs, with certain ingredients triggering allergic reactions.

How to Help Your Dog

Visit Your Vet

The first step in helping your dog with allergies is to visit your vet. They can perform tests to figure out what your dog is allergic to. Once you know the cause, you can work together to create a plan to help your dog avoid these allergens or treat the symptoms.

Managing the Environment

Keeping your home clean can help reduce the presence of allergens like dust mites and mold. Regular vacuuming, dusting, and washing your dog’s bedding can make a big difference. If pollen is a problem, try to keep your dog inside when pollen counts are high, and consider wiping them down with a damp cloth after they’ve been outside.

Diet and Nutrition

For dogs with food allergies, finding the right diet is crucial. Your vet might recommend a special food or suggest trying a limited ingredient diet to identify which ingredients cause problems. Adding omega-3 fatty acids to your dog’s diet can also help reduce skin inflammation and improve coat health.

Medications and Supplements

There are various medications and supplements that can help manage allergy symptoms. Antihistamines, prescribed by your vet, can reduce itching and sneezing. Supplements like omega-3 fatty acids, as mentioned, can support skin health. In some cases, your vet might recommend allergy shots or other treatments to help your dog’s immune system better tolerate allergens.

Preventing Allergy Flare-Ups

Regular Grooming

Regular bathing and grooming can help remove allergens from your dog’s coat and skin, reducing irritation. Choose hypoallergenic shampoos designed for dogs with sensitive skin to avoid further irritation.

Flea Control

Fleas can cause allergic reactions in many dogs. Keeping your dog on a regular flea prevention program is essential to avoid flea allergy dermatitis. Your vet can recommend the best flea control products for your dog’s needs.

Monitoring Your Dog’s Health

Keep an eye on your dog’s symptoms and how they respond to different treatments or environmental changes. A health diary can help you track what works and what doesn’t, making it easier to manage your dog’s allergies over time.

Mendocino Animal Hospital is Here to Help with Your Dog’s Allergy Needs

Helping your dog deal with allergies involves recognizing the signs, identifying the causes, and then taking steps to reduce exposure to allergens, manage symptoms, and prevent flare-ups. Remember, each dog is unique, and what works for one may not work for another. Working closely with your veterinarian is key to finding the right approach to manage your dog’s allergies. If you’re concerned about your dog’s allergies or need more guidance, Mendocino Animal Hospital is here to help. Call us at (707) 462-8833 to learn more about how we can support your dog’s health and comfort. Together, we can ensure your dog leads a happier, more comfortable life, free from the distress of allergy symptoms.

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About Mendocino Animal Hospital

At Mendocino Animal Hospital, we believe in fostering the human-animal bond with excellent veterinary medicine. Our full-service veterinary practice operates in Ukiah, CA with a team of skilled veterinarians and a passionate, talented support staff who make you feel like a part of the family.

As an AAHA-accredited animal hospital, every service and aspect of our practice meets AAHA’s Standards of Excellence. No matter what your pet comes in for, they’ll receive only the best in care, compassion, and service.